Fig. 4. Cell counting and oxLDL content from native and LDLR-/-/ApoBec-/- mice treated with FcIgG2-FL-CD68 (10 µg/g body weight) or Fc-control twice weekly. (A) Platelet count and white blood cell count in peripheral blood from native mice, 20 week old LDLR-/-/ApoBec-/- mice treated with Fc-control or FcIgG2-FL-CD68 for 4 weeks. The means ± SEM of 5 animals are shown. * indicates statistical significance of p<0.05 versus native mice. (B) oxLDL content was measured with specific antibodies and FACS in peripheral blood from these 3 mouse groups. Platelet oxLDL was determined in CD42 positive cells and monocyte oxLDL in CD14 positive blood cells. The means ± SEM of 5 animals are shown. *** indicates statistical significance of p<0.001 versus native mice. (C) oxLDL content was determined in splenic cells from these 3 mouse groups. Monocyte oxLDL was determined in CD14 positive cells and macrophage oxLDL in F4/80 positive cells. The means ± SEM of 5 animals are shown. * indicates statistical significance of p<0.05 versus native mice.